Bulk (blown, stuffed) cotton wool is a relatively new convenient and economical mineral wool thermal insulation material obtained by dispersing (grinding) mineral wool slabs and mineral wool waste in a special machine. It is delivered to the consumer in bags, in loose and loose form, it is an excellent additional insulation for existing thermal insulation – for example, for slag, sawdust, expanded clay, etc.
Scope of application.
Insulation of building structures: attics, ceilings, floors. Bulk basalt wool: density 35-50 kg/cubic meter. The volume of use in European countries is doubling annually.
Methods of insulation.
● Automated — is characterized by the method of laying the thermal insulation layer, which uses specialized compressor-screw equipment that supplies insulation to building structures.
● Mechanical-characterized by laying the material manually.
Insulation technology.
Insulation of attics, ceiling space and floor: when insulating the attic space, the entire horizontal surface of the attic is covered with an even layer of cotton wool, which also envelops the ventilation pipes, filling the slightest gaps. If there is no additional thermal insulation in the attic, it is recommended to apply the blown cotton wool with a layer of 15-25 cm. Relative to the brickwork, a layer of blown cotton wool in 20 cm is equal to 2.5 bricks.
Insulation of building structures with the help of Blown cotton wool is an effective way of thermal insulation of attics, floors, coverings, floors and walls.
Characteristics of bulk / blown cotton wool:
● It is a non-combustible material (combustibility group NG);
● long decomposition period (50 years);
● Chemical resistance;
● Thermal conductivity (0.036 W/(m – °C));
● water absorption (not more than 2 %);
● density of 35-60 kg / cubic meter (it is easy to seal mechanically up to 60 kg/cubic meter, further sealing will lead to an increase in the coefficient of thermal conductivity).